The Reagan Era is over!
Serious government is the new Era of governing.
The widely accepted idea that serious government is inherently bad won't persist after coronavirus.
A functioning serious government is crucial for a healthy society. Success came in states where serious government, civic and private sector leaders joined their strengths together in a spirit of self-sacrifice for the common good.
Serious Government |
Time to begin to promote more constructive patterns in our cultural and political discourse. Americans return to a new seriousness because serious government is a matter for serious people. Change post Covid 19 is undisputable and many challenges rely on the new administration going forward, expertise matters and Biden's Administration is the new way to build back better.
In a national crisis a recognition including those entrusted with protecting our health, preserving our liberties and overseeing our National Security-need to be staffed with experts (not political loyalists), best decisions need to be made through a reasoned policy process and predicated on evidence-based science and historical and geopolitical knowledge.
Instead of Trump's "America First" foreign policy, we need to return to multilateral diplomacy, and to the understanding that cooperation with allies and adversaries, too-is especially necessary when it comes to dealing with global problems like climate change and viral pandemics.
Most of all, we need to remember that public trust is crucial to governance and that trust depends on telling the truth, distort nothing, and try to manipulate no one. The aftermath of the coronavirus is likely to include a new political uprising. Once the health emergency is over, we will see the extend to which rich, well-connected and well-resourced communities will have been taken care of, while contingent, poor and stigmatized communities will have been thoroughly destroyed. Moreover, political action is possible-multi trillion dollar bailouts and projects can be mobilized quickly-only if the cause is considered urgent.
This mismatch of long-disregarded populations getting unattended or dismissed, will likely have drastic consequences, and this is why Biden is prioritizing a massive Covid relief package that will include direct checks, unemployment supplement benefits, tribal and local governments, schools, vaccine distribution, infrastructure and other resources.
When the crisis ends (because it will), we will reorient our politics and make substantial new investments in public goods for health and public services. Finally, this current plague time might see a recharged commitment to a closer-to-the-bone worldview that recognizes we have a short time on earth, the clock is ticking and we need to change our approach to everyday existence, so that we don't fall in line with trump-like tyrannies and orthodoxy which are environmentally and physiologically devastating behaviors.
Therefore, living peacefully and meaningfully together is going to take much more than our day-to-day habits. America is fragile and democracy is at stake, the evilness of Trump rooted in our country for the past 4 years has debilitated and destabilize our form of serious government, it will take time to restore faith, strength and our trust in a system of serious government that works for all Americans.