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Thursday, August 15, 2024


                TIM WALZ AND J D VANCE DEBATE  

Vice-presidential candidates J.D Vance and Tim Walz have agreed to a debate on October 1st.

The debate in New York would be moderated by journalists Norah O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan, adding: "We look forward to providing voters with an opportunity to hear directly from the vice-presidential candidates."

Trump and Harris have agreed to their first debate on ABC September 10th. We will all be waiting for this moment in time before the elections in November.


Saturday, July 27, 2024



As President Biden exits the race, he endorses Kamala Harris to run in his place, making this choice a tremendous positive impact within the party and the American people.  

Many of his allies paid tribute for his foreign policy achievements and acknowledged his decision.


Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz posted on X: " Thanks to Biden, transatlantic cooperation is close, NATO is strong and the USA is a good and reliable partner. His decision not to run again deserves recognition."

The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he respects Biden and looks forward to working together for the rest of his presidency.

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, "I am keeping my fingers crossed for the USA that a good president emerges from the democratic competition of two strong and equal candidates." 

Ukraine's leader Volodymyr Zelensky said he respects Mr. Biden's "tough but strong decision" and thanked him for his "unwavering support for Ukraine's fight for freedom." 

Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Mr. Biden had "made difficult decisions" throughout his political career that have "kept the world safer, and democracy and freedom stronger."

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau thanked Mr. Biden and US First Lady Jill  Biden, calling the president a "true friend" to Canadians.

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida "The Japan-US alliance is the cornerstone of our country's diplomacy and security"

    Gloria Alphonso/ MRN

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 If you're interested in drinking clean water, safe and uncontaminated water should be your number one priority...Ask for a free consultation, 786 826-3473.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2021



The Reagan Era is over!  

Serious government is the new Era of governing.

The widely accepted idea that serious government is inherently bad won't persist after coronavirus.

A functioning serious government is crucial for a healthy society. Success came in states where serious government, civic and private sector leaders joined their strengths together in a spirit of self-sacrifice for the common good.

Serious Government

Time to begin to promote more constructive patterns in our cultural and political discourse. Americans return to a new seriousness because serious government is a matter for serious people. Change post Covid 19 is undisputable and many challenges rely on the new administration going forward, expertise matters and Biden's Administration is the new way to build back better.

In a national crisis a recognition including those entrusted with protecting our health, preserving our liberties and overseeing our National Security-need to be staffed with experts (not political loyalists), best decisions need to be made through a reasoned policy process and predicated on evidence-based science and historical and geopolitical knowledge.  

Instead of Trump's "America First" foreign policy, we need to return to multilateral diplomacy, and to the understanding that cooperation with allies and adversaries, too-is especially necessary when it comes to dealing with global problems like climate change and viral pandemics.

Most of all, we need to remember that public trust is crucial to governance and that trust depends on telling the truth, distort nothing, and try to manipulate no one. The aftermath of the coronavirus is likely to include a new political uprising. Once the health emergency is over, we will see the extend to which rich, well-connected and well-resourced communities will have been taken care of, while contingent, poor and stigmatized communities will have been thoroughly destroyed. Moreover, political action is possible-multi trillion dollar bailouts and projects can be mobilized quickly-only if the cause is considered urgent.

This mismatch of long-disregarded populations getting unattended or dismissed, will likely have drastic consequences, and this is why Biden is prioritizing a massive Covid relief package that will include direct checks, unemployment supplement benefits, tribal and local governments, schools, vaccine distribution, infrastructure and other resources.

When the crisis ends (because it will), we will reorient our politics and make substantial new investments in public goods for health and public services. Finally, this current plague time might see a recharged commitment to a closer-to-the-bone worldview that recognizes we have a short time on earth, the clock is ticking and we need to change our approach to everyday existence, so that we don't fall in line with trump-like tyrannies and orthodoxy which are environmentally and physiologically devastating behaviors.

Therefore, living peacefully and meaningfully together is going to take much more than our day-to-day habits. America is fragile and democracy is at stake, the evilness of Trump rooted in our country for the past 4 years has debilitated and destabilize our form of serious government, it will take time to restore faith, strength and our trust in a system of serious government that works for all Americans.

Gloria Alphonso/MRN

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Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Mitch McConnell was the only person holding back the Covid Relief Aid so much needed for the millions of unemployed, hospitals, businesses, local & state governments and Covid 19 resources including the distribution of vaccines to fight this raging pandemic virus, and now he blocks the $2,000 stimulus check as part of Covid-19 relief package that was signed into law on Sunday.  

Georgians, this is your chance and the only opportunity to take control of the Senate, keep voting early and let us see a massive turnout on January 5th, this is a must-have Christmas present.

More than 2.3 million people had already cast their ballot early, in person or by absentee ballot, by Tuesday morning, particularly among African American voters, and the continued engagement of younger voters, especially first time voters in their 20's registered as Democrats. 

The only way to help Biden enact important legislature and move his agenda forward including a  Covid Relief Package that's sizable to boost our ailing economy, is by having a Democratic Senate majority that sends the right message to those Republicans opposing a new Relief Aid to help all Americans survive these few months of economic instability, and most likely all of next year.

GEORGIA vote as if your lives depend on it....BECAUSE IT DOES!  

Gloria Alphonso

Miami Review News

Thursday, December 17, 2020



Despite the challenges, wickedness, corruption, infections, deaths, despair and pain, Americans are once more challenged in crisis and chaos, it also shows how we can come together uniting our country  and overcoming hurdles in these critical times.

Our faith, core values and family goes beyond recognition against all odds, we are no longer the Blue or Red states, we are the United States.

One day there shall be peace and truth, a day is coming when there will be no more sickness, pain or death and when He will wipe away every tear from our eyes.

 This nation under God was founded upon Biblical principles where He promised never to leave us nor forsake us. In these pandemic times where hope is around the corner, a new daylight will shine again, the obstacles of the past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.  

The pandemic will eventually come to a medical end with a vaccine, however for now, we have to learn to live in a world with the disease and live our lives with a few modifications adjusting to the social distancing and mask wearing.

Let's keep the Christmas spirit alive despite the circumstances, enjoy the holidays in a different way having a small Christmas dinner party outdoors limiting the amount of people gathering to four, wearing masks and keeping a physical distance from each other. 

An end to the pandemic is potentially within range, the transition to 'normal' again will come when Herd immunity is achieved, however the longer it takes to remove the constraints on our economies, the greater will be the economic damage.

We must stay strong, resilient, optimistic and hopeful. STAY UNITED AND SAFE.. 


Gloria Alphonso


Friday, December 11, 2020



I was appalled to learn that Rep. Mario Diaz Balart was included on the 100+ list of representatives behind the corruption to overturn a fair and square election, it is shameful, it is wrong, it is un-American and unconstitutional.

A conspiracy never seen before in this country. All of those Republican members of the House of Representatives including Mario Diaz Balart from Florida in support of a Texas lawsuit filed with the U.S Supreme Court that seeks to overturn Biden's victory, was dismissed today.

Representatives are elected by the people in the states they serve, supporting the lies of unsubstantiated accusations about the voting in four states, and supporting Trump's evilness rooted in their minds, will have serious consequences. As a republican I will never forget the evil scheme plotted to undermine our free election and our democracy, because Biden won with 80+million votes mine included.

No one will take our right to vote, no one will manipulate our voting system, it is too much and ENOUGH. Stop the conspiracy theory from a wannabe dictator clinching to power, it will not work in this country, we will stand by vigilantly and ready to fight back.

This is an abuse and violation of judicial process and no one is above the law. Continue with the farce and we the people have something for you.

You lost! And now you're trying to steal the very same election you legally lost? The Supreme Court did not hear your frivolous lawsuit aimed at disenfranchising the legitimacy of the election. Trump and Republicans know that there's no evidence of fraud, the mere idea to stay in power sounds like he's attempting to stage some kind of political coup. Act like this is our first coup, if we want to be sure that it's also our last.    

As for the AG's backing this unconstitutional claim, your responsibility is to your state and the rule of law.  Furthermore, Trump supporters will have no option but to turn the page and move on. It is over for Donald Trump, you lost! Respect the American People and our Electoral Process. Get over it! Sooner than later.   

Gloria Alphonso
