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Thursday, January 16, 2025



Our Pledge of Allegiance resonates as developments unfold in our country.

I Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United....UNITED STATES of AMERICA, and to the Republic for which it stands, ONE NATION UNDER GOD indivisible with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

In the 1890's at the end of the 19th Century, the Pledge of Allegiance was born.
In 1892 Frances Bellamy, an ordained Baptist minister composed a pledge that expressed loyalty not only to a nation but to an idea "liberty and justice for all". 

The pledge was altered in 1942, and a decade later, the pledge was altered once more. In 1953 the Knights of Columbus launched a massive letter-writing campaign to add the words "under God". Then on February 7, 1954, the Reverend George M Docherty, pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian church in Washington D.C. delivered a sermon on the subject.

Three days later a bill was introduced in Congress to add the words "under God". Baer recalls that Congressmen said, "Communists will feel very uncomfortable saying the pledge, because they were "atheists". On Flag Day, June 14th Eisenhower signed the bill into law.

Bellamy's 22-word pledge had now grown to 31 words. Yet, six of his original words still best express their central sentiment. " With liberty and justice for all".

                                     WHAT IS THE REAL MEANING OF PATRIOTISM

According to project 2025 a right-wing and the MAGA movement party agenda prepared to take the main stage in the next coming months, we will see an America so dark and depraved of every single resource, devastated by oil drilling, protected lands destroyed, and our natural resources killed by 73 million voters that were influenced by his divisive rhetoric and diabolic intentions.   

I can assure you that America will see it's darkest days under Trump. but we the people need to fight the good fight and never give up, never give up hope, never give up on the promise of America, never give up on the possibilities, never give up on our DEMOCRACY, never give up on our principles, never give up on equality (that all men are created equal), never give up on the rule of law, never give up our FREEDOM including freedom of speech, the right to express ideas and opinions without government interference or punishment. It's protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution, and never give up on our Constitution. 

Mr. Trump will be President for the 73 million of Americans who voted for him. However, not so much for the 68 million that fired him.

God Bless the United States of America!

Gloria Alphonso/ MRN


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