Our Pledge of Allegiance resonates as developments unfold in our country.
I Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United....UNITED STATES of AMERICA, and to the Republic for which it stands, ONE NATION UNDER GOD indivisible with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
In the 1890's at the end of the 19th Century, the Pledge of Allegiance was born.
In 1892 Frances Bellamy, an ordained Baptist minister composed a pledge that expressed loyalty not only to a nation but to an idea "liberty and justice for all".
The pledge was altered in 1942, and a decade later, the pledge was altered once more. In 1953 the Knights of Columbus launched a massive letter-writing campaign to add the words "under God". Then on February 7, 1954, the Reverend George M Docherty, pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian church in Washington D.C. delivered a sermon on the subject.
Three days later a bill was introduced in Congress to add the words "under God". Baer recalls that Congressmen said, "Communists will feel very uncomfortable saying the pledge, because they were "atheists". On Flag Day, June 14th Eisenhower signed the bill into law.
Bellamy's 22-word pledge had now grown to 31 words. Yet, six of his original words still best express their central sentiment. " With liberty and justice for all".
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