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Thursday, October 24, 2024




 Donald Trump said economic policies he would enact in a second term would create an environment to "steal" manufacturing jobs that have moved overseas through tax cuts and tariffs.

In a speech in front of 2500 raucous supporters in Savannah Georgia on Tuesday, Trump shared his ideas  for a "manufacturing renaissance" that he says would bring millions of jobs back to the U.S. from overseas.

He continues to say " With the vision I'm outlining today, not only will we stop our businesses from leaving for foreign lands, but under my leadership. we're going to take other countries' jobs."  Did you ever hear that expression before? It's never being said before. - We're going to take their factories? And we had it really rocking 4 years ago? He continues " we're going to bring thousands and thousands of businesses and trillions of dollars in wealth back to the good ole "USA."

Well the truth is, In 2016 President Obama left an economy that was thriving and strong, so President Trump actually had it easy until the pandemic hit us, leaving a debilitated and devastated economy to President Biden, only because he refused to acknowledge that we had a pandemic that needed his attention instead of denial. 

Trump also called for lowering the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% for "those who make their product in the USA," and continued a push for "substantial tariffs" on imported goods and proposed manufacturing zones on FEDERAL LAND "with ultra- low taxes and regulations for American producers and farmers. (meaning a higher inflationary plan, with regulations and substantial tariffs, production costs increase and companies may raise prices to cover those costs)

"We're going to use our resources to our benefit," Trump said, also touting fewer environmental regulations around manufacturing, he continues to say
 " American soil, it's got everything, it's got the rare earth, it's got the gas, it's got the oil." Drill Baby drill GOP slogan.  

What impact will his plan have on the environment, American Soil, Rare Earth and Gas and Oil? 
Global warming at higher speed, increase water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, OUR OWN HEALTH, we also face an increased risk of falling victim to illness and disease. According to the WHO, extended exposure to pollution increases lung disease, chest infections and heart diseases. And the destruction of "Wildlife."    

Trump also called for lowering the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% for "those who make their product in the USA," and continued a push for "substantial tariffs" on imported goods and proposed manufacturing zones on FEDERAL LAND "with ultra- low taxes and regulations for American producers and farmers. (meaning a higher inflationary plan, with regulations and substantial tariffs, production costs increase and companies may raise prices to cover those costs) Not to mention a real Inflation inviting a RECESSION mid year.

"In order to make his plan work, he will increase the debt to 8 TRILLIONS MORE. 

Trump will slash Environmental protection to boost mining of rare earth elements. Meaning Climate change will increase at rapid rates. He intends to enact what in effect is a National Sales ----call it a Trump tax --that would raise prices on middle-class tax cut by almost $4,000 a year.


                        KAMALA HARRIS' ECONOMIC PLAN

SMALL BUSINESS TAX CREDIT: Harris reiterated a $50,000 tax deduction for new small businesses, setting a goal of 25 million new small business applications in the first two years of  her potential presidential term.

GROCERY PRICES: She would work in the first 100 days to help congress pass a national ban on "price gouging" for food, give the Federal Trade Commission and prosecutors authority to go after companies they determine to have price gouged, support small businesses in the industry, take a closer look at mergers between big grocery companies and "aggressively" investigate price-fixing in meat supply chains specifically.

HOUSING COST: She will provide $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time home buyers and is calling for the creation of three million new housing units within the next four years. proposing a tax credit for developers who build starter homes and investing $40 billion in an "innovation fund" to tackle housing shortages. As mortgage rates decline, "will make it just a little easier for families to buy a home." 

RENTAL COST: She would expand a tax credit for housing developers who build affordable housing rental units and is calling on Congress to pass legislation to stop allegedly predatory investors who buy up rental homes and collude with each other to raise rental prices.

CHILD TAX CREDIT: Giving families a $6,000 tax credit for newborns in their first year of life and restoring a pandemic-era tax credit of $3,600 per child for middle and lower-class families.

TAXES: Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit for workers in low-income jobs, which would cut taxes by up $1,250 and not to raise taxes on American households earning $400,000 or less annually and does support raising taxes for high earners and corporations.

NO TAX ON TIPS: Endorsed a plan to get rid of taxes on tips for hospitality and service workers.

PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICES: Proposed a $35 cap on insulin and capping out-of-pocket expenses on prescription drugs at $2,000 per year, also would speed up Medicare negotiations already in place by the Biden Administration on the price of prescription drugs.   

HEALTHCARE: Announced her intentions to work with states to cancel Americans' medical debt, in addition to expanding subsidies for Affordable Care Act plans that would save health insurances customers an average of $700 on their health insurance premiums.

PAID LEAVE: Co-sponsored a 12-week paid week legislation, 

MINIMUM WAGE: raising the minimum wage

FED INDEPENDENCE: She will keep the Federal Reserve as an independent agency and as president would never interfere in the decisions that the Fed makes.  

All of this without affecting negatively our natural resources. It is a win for Climate, Clean Energy Manufacturing, Farmers, Animals, and the Middle Class. A more affordable, prosperous country that truly invests in our communities,. Her plan supports lower energy costs by helping Americans get free of costly fossil fuels and access clean energy options that are cheaper and longer-lasting.


Miami Review News

Thursday, October 17, 2024



Since 1936, the Florida Wildlife Federation has advocated for science-based wildlife-management in balance with sustainable regulation and education for hunting and fishing. The Federation is a citizen-based organization representing a diverse set of  conservationist and recreationist, from bird watchers to turkey hunters. However, the Federation is opposed to the legislature driven constitutional amendment, the Right to Hunt and Fish (Amendment 2) which will appear on the Florida 2024 election ballot.

Amendment 2 introduces unnecessary interference with the Florida Constitution and is overly vague in its language, leaving it vulnerable to misinterpretation or misuse, potentially undermining its intent.


Amendment 2 seeks to establish hunting and fishing as a constitutional right in Florida. However, the Federation emphasizes that these activities are already well-protected and guarded under current state laws, particularly Chapter 379.104 of Florida Statutes. The existing legal framework provides ample opportunities for responsible and ethical hunting and fishing, making the proposed amendment redundant. Furthermore, enshrining these activities in the state constitution could introduce legal complications, potentially leading to costly taxpayer-funded legal battles and undermining scientifically supported wildlife management practices.

"As an outdoorsman who hunts and fishes, I believe Amendment 2 is a threat Florida's wildlife and ecosystems (like the Everglades)  At a time when wildlife populations are already in serious decline, This amendment could and will undermine important conservations measures. Allowing broad, unchecked access will devastate fish populations and other species. We need to prioritize sustainable and responsible stewardship of our natural resources, not change our state constitution allowing a roll back of critical protections."  Clinton Trotta/ Federation Board Member, hunter, and angler.

In addition, the Amendment's vague preference of "traditional hunting methods"  might open the door for the return harmful and currently prohibited by law practices like the use of gill nets, which in Florida's past have had major detrimental effects on Florida's fisheries, coastal communities and their economies. 


                                           ON AMENDMENT 2....VOTE.........NO.

Miami Review News

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



After reviewing the wording on the Florida Amendment 4 ballot, I realized that the twisted information written is provided to confuse voters alleging negative consequences if abortion is made legal and how it will impact the state. 

The misinformation and the falsehood of this statement that there would be fewer live births of babies, an increase in abortions and the added cost to the state, including the negative impact of the state's budget is simply ludicrous and false. Since abortion was enacted 50 years ago, the states were never impacted negatively.

We should stand firm and reject by voting YES to this amendment which is so critical to women and the right to make their own decision about their reproductive rights and not have the state nor the Federal government dictating a control over their right to choose. It is a blow to our constitutional rights and our God-given free will to make our own decisions. We should repeal and rebuke this conspiracy against women and extreme ideology. 


     Gloria Alphonso

Thursday, August 15, 2024


                TIM WALZ AND J D VANCE DEBATE  

Vice-presidential candidates J.D Vance and Tim Walz have agreed to a debate on October 1st.

The debate in New York would be moderated by journalists Norah O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan, adding: "We look forward to providing voters with an opportunity to hear directly from the vice-presidential candidates."

Trump and Harris have agreed to their first debate on ABC September 10th. We will all be waiting for this moment in time before the elections in November.


Saturday, July 27, 2024



As President Biden exits the race, he endorses Kamala Harris to run in his place, making this choice a tremendous positive impact within the party and the American people.  

Many of his allies paid tribute for his foreign policy achievements and acknowledged his decision.


Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz posted on X: " Thanks to Biden, transatlantic cooperation is close, NATO is strong and the USA is a good and reliable partner. His decision not to run again deserves recognition."

The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he respects Biden and looks forward to working together for the rest of his presidency.

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, "I am keeping my fingers crossed for the USA that a good president emerges from the democratic competition of two strong and equal candidates." 

Ukraine's leader Volodymyr Zelensky said he respects Mr. Biden's "tough but strong decision" and thanked him for his "unwavering support for Ukraine's fight for freedom." 

Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Mr. Biden had "made difficult decisions" throughout his political career that have "kept the world safer, and democracy and freedom stronger."

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau thanked Mr. Biden and US First Lady Jill  Biden, calling the president a "true friend" to Canadians.

Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida "The Japan-US alliance is the cornerstone of our country's diplomacy and security"

    Gloria Alphonso/ MRN

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 If you're interested in drinking clean water, safe and uncontaminated water should be your number one priority...Ask for a free consultation, 786 826-3473.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2021



The Reagan Era is over!  

Serious government is the new Era of governing.

The widely accepted idea that serious government is inherently bad won't persist after coronavirus.

A functioning serious government is crucial for a healthy society. Success came in states where serious government, civic and private sector leaders joined their strengths together in a spirit of self-sacrifice for the common good.

Serious Government

Time to begin to promote more constructive patterns in our cultural and political discourse. Americans return to a new seriousness because serious government is a matter for serious people. Change post Covid 19 is undisputable and many challenges rely on the new administration going forward, expertise matters and Biden's Administration is the new way to build back better.

In a national crisis a recognition including those entrusted with protecting our health, preserving our liberties and overseeing our National Security-need to be staffed with experts (not political loyalists), best decisions need to be made through a reasoned policy process and predicated on evidence-based science and historical and geopolitical knowledge.  

Instead of Trump's "America First" foreign policy, we need to return to multilateral diplomacy, and to the understanding that cooperation with allies and adversaries, too-is especially necessary when it comes to dealing with global problems like climate change and viral pandemics.

Most of all, we need to remember that public trust is crucial to governance and that trust depends on telling the truth, distort nothing, and try to manipulate no one. The aftermath of the coronavirus is likely to include a new political uprising. Once the health emergency is over, we will see the extend to which rich, well-connected and well-resourced communities will have been taken care of, while contingent, poor and stigmatized communities will have been thoroughly destroyed. Moreover, political action is possible-multi trillion dollar bailouts and projects can be mobilized quickly-only if the cause is considered urgent.

This mismatch of long-disregarded populations getting unattended or dismissed, will likely have drastic consequences, and this is why Biden is prioritizing a massive Covid relief package that will include direct checks, unemployment supplement benefits, tribal and local governments, schools, vaccine distribution, infrastructure and other resources.

When the crisis ends (because it will), we will reorient our politics and make substantial new investments in public goods for health and public services. Finally, this current plague time might see a recharged commitment to a closer-to-the-bone worldview that recognizes we have a short time on earth, the clock is ticking and we need to change our approach to everyday existence, so that we don't fall in line with trump-like tyrannies and orthodoxy which are environmentally and physiologically devastating behaviors.

Therefore, living peacefully and meaningfully together is going to take much more than our day-to-day habits. America is fragile and democracy is at stake, the evilness of Trump rooted in our country for the past 4 years has debilitated and destabilize our form of serious government, it will take time to restore faith, strength and our trust in a system of serious government that works for all Americans.

Gloria Alphonso/MRN

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